Sunday, May 23, 2010


43 Reasons why I love my Mom more than basically anyone else on the planet

1. She makes the best chicken enchiladas.
2. When I was in High School and stressed she would clean my room for me at random intervals and it would always make everything better.
3. She gets more excited about my life than I do.
4. She is a fighter.
5. She does whatever she needs to do to make sure that her kids are happy.
6. She only buys a purse if the lining on the inside is cute.
7. She sacrifices her own wants for those of others.
8. She has the best laugh.
9. People say that we look like sisters.
10. She copies the way that I dress.
11. Sometimes when I say things she gets embarrassed and it’s hilarious.
12. She tells me that she loves me.
13. She is the Queen of Birthdays and makes you feel important and special.
14. She is a great pole dancer :]
15. She listens when I have something to say.
16. When we fight she always wants to fix the problem right away so we can go back to just being happy.
17. She is always proud of me.
18. She lets me be irresponsible sometimes.
19. She trusts me.
20. She can shop longer than anyone I know. All she needs is a parmesan pretzel with marinara sauce.
21. She loves babies.
22. She is going to be the best grandma in the whole wide world. My future kids won’t know how good they have it.
23. She is my best friend.
24. There is no one in the whole entire world that I would rather talk on the phone with.
25. Singing on Broadway is her dream. We both want to go to New York more than anywhere else. We are both musical geeks and I love it.
26. She makes things happen. If you want something done you go to her.
27. She would always walk around with me forever while I tried to find a pair of jeans that would actually fit.
28. She is motivated to make the changes she knows the world needs.
29. She loves sending cards in the mail.
30. She isn’t afraid to talk to anyone.
31. Not only is she my best friend, but she treats all of her relationships with care and respect.
32. When I was in High School she would take me to a late movie and then let me sleep in. She also let me skip school whenever I wanted, but only if I kept up straight A’s.
33. She never said no without a reason.
34. She wants me to live by her when I am older that way she can be there for me like she always has been.
35. My brother Cameron could not have had a better mom. No one fights more for the Deaf community more than see does.
36. She loves to take naps.
37. She is passionate.
38. She makes us clean the house before people come over just so we give the impression that we are clean all the time. I am going to do the exact same thing.
39. She sends the best packages in the mail. There is always a note.
40. She has always treated me like an adult.
41. She scratches my back even though she doesn’t want to.
42. Ben and Jerry’s nights.
43. She is the best mom and I think I got pretty lucky.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you and wish that I was there celebrating with you like I have always been. I miss you and can’t wait to see you in August.

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