Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 1 cont.

After 34 hours of no sleep I am finally going to hit the hay. I just have to wait for my dear computer to charge. Apparently I bought the wrong adapter so I have to borrow my wonderful roommate Breanna's for the evening. We went exploring today and found the coolest cathederal. They just happen to be every where in Vienna and it's pretty great. We went out to an Italian place for dinner tonight and the best part was that it was free. So far I have only spent $41 on this trip. $35 for checking a bag and $6 on a sandwich at the airport. Then after dinner we wandered aimlessly around the city. Chip and I looked like tourists to the max carrying our fat cameras but its okay because I snagged some cool shots.

Touring Vienna tomorrow! 
Viva la Vida! 
That means living the life in Spanish... maybe I should learn how to say it in German?


  1. Ah I am basically in love with your pictures! They're amazing! Make sure to post more when you go exploring. It sounds like tons of fun. Have you adjusted to the time diff yet?

  2. Hey Melissa! Don't worry about those pictures. I will take tons :] and my body is just about adjusted... I think I'll be feeling great by tomorrow. Just need one more night of good rest. Hope the wedding plans are going great!
