Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 15.

Two words for you. Flash Mob.

Was I part of one today? Yes. Will you ever see a video from it? I can only pray that you won't. There is nothing like running through the first district of Vienna belting show tunes and dancing with your fellow Americans. The tourists loved it.

Today was a good day. I survived German, didn't spend any money on food, and bought some cool school supplies at Pagro. There is just something about fresh school supplies that makes me feel motivated.

I took some time today to just wander Vienna by myself. The whole being in the group 24/7 is fun, but I just needed a little break. On just one street I passed three cathedrals. It was brilliant. I have to pray in one for an assignment. That should be super interesting.

We went to the Gulasch Museum for dinner tonight and it was delicious. Our program directors, the Plummers, were nice enough to foot the bill. The main topic of discussion was Chip Dallin's love life. I have to say that it was pretty entertaining.  Now on to German homework!

Gulasch. Yum. 


  1. LOVED tonight. LOVED it. When we get our number put together we are going to be the talk of this city.

  2. Flash mob belting show tunes? Are you serious?!?!?? I think I was born in the wrong country! Love you sis!
