Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 7.

It is the end of the first week. I am officially in culture shock. It is not that I don't love Vienna it is just a touch hard for me to be away from America at the moment.

Things I miss about home:
1. My family. I missed talking to my mom on Mother's day. Epic Fail.
2. All of the signs/packaging being in the English Language.
3. When a downpour hits my umbrella is not 45 mins away.
4. My clothes. Sad but true. Why did I only bring 4 t-shirts? Who knows.
5. Everything being in English.

Surprisingly I don't miss my cell phone. I thought I would be going through withdrawals of some sort but it has been an extremely easy transition.

Now that I have burdened you with those sad and depressing thoughts let me tell you what I love about Vienna:
1. I love Public Transportation. I love love love it. I feel so "metropolitan" as my roommate Kayla puts it. I love that I can get from A to B all on my own without driving. It's grand.
2. The architecture here is amazing. Why could America not be this beautiful?
3. The people on this study abroad with me. Seriously great friends.
4. Opportunity to learn a different language. I understood what the woman at Pagro was telling me when she handed me back my change. HUZZAH. I could have danced.
5. GREEN. Everything here is green, lush, and gorgeous. Reminds me of Washington. Especially on days like today when it never stops raining.
6. The way that me and my roommate are always laughing. Everyone always stares at us. It is like these people forgot how to have a good time or something. No worries. We will remind them.
7. I can't forget the Gelato. I have had it 3/4 days. I may have an addiction.

Today I hit up school. Got some Gelato. Road around on the U-bahn. Studied some German. Found some Austrian Mormon friends at FHE. Grabbed a delicious dinner for super cheap. Overall I would say that it was an extremely productive day. Just another day in Vienna :]

Now I have to get studying for a Quiz in German tomorrow. Joy.

Guten Nacht! (aka Good Night in German)

Pictures from today! I was having a difficult time getting inspired. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

"I have Choco's. I'm so rugged." Thank you Jenny Pate. 

Ale thank you for being my model. You are lovely. 

The downpour. 

Low shutter speed and no tripod. Hmmm.


  1. It's true.....even missionary moms got to talk to thier missionaries......not to add to the guilt or anything.....

  2. So happy I'm quoted in this post!
