Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 4.

Did I mention that I was trying to be adventurous while I was in Vienna? Cause I am.

Today began with our now normal subway commute to school. Schule as the German would say.

This is what my subway station looks like. Personally I think it is too pretty to be called a subway. Here in Vienna is the called the U-bahn, but somehow I don't think that quite does it justice either. Kayla and I got to school fine with no correspondence with creepy men. Huzzah. Classes were good. During photography class today we were assigned to go take pictures at the naschmarkt. I took my point and shoot camera. I have no idea why. Do not judge these pictures too harshly. I am going to go back tomorrow for the flea market they hold there on Saturdays and I will bring my real DSLR camera and take some real photos. Okay here they are. 

After the Naschmarkt for class we went back and just spent some time hanging out studying before German. I will admit learning the language is hard but I am quite enjoying it. Afterwards we ventured off planning on taking a tour of the opera house... those plans fell through so we went off in search of Gelato. I am proud to say we found some at Zanoni and Zanoni. I had this mint, cookie, and chocolate concoction and it was divine. We walked aroung Vienna eating our ice cream like real locals. We hung out in front of statues and cathedrals... you know... the usual. I was harassing Chip the whole time about being an old man while William kept trying to get Kayla and I to tell him out three favorite animals. It was a hilariously good time. We stopped in a cathedral to listen to an organist. I have never really liked it much but in an ancient cathedral it sounds pretty amazing. 

We then went in search of the English movie theatre when it started down pouring. My poor shoes. After a 1/2 hour of stressful searching we found this quaint theatre hidden away amongst some beautiful old buildings. Ah Vienna. We saw Iron Man II! It was extremely good but don't worry I won't give it away. Then we grabbed some pizza for dinner and headed towards the subway home. We caught a little bit of the Opera and then we were on our way. I love this place. I don't know if I will ever get sick of saying that. 

Auf Wiedersehen! 

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