Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 5.

Adventures continued.
The first Saturday in Vienna! What to do what to do. For starters I tried this thing called sleeping in. I woke up at 5 am and then willed my body back to sleep. It worked! I then proceeded to sleep until 9 am. Glorious. Upon consciousness I decided Kayla and I needed some food from the grocery store. We were off. There is a Billa located only minutes from our house so we walked. Grocery stores here are much smaller than in the USA. We bought PB&J supplies along with chocolate, bathroom soap, and frou frous. We then ventured into town. Gotta love that Subway. I mean U-Bahn.

My beautiful roomie Kayla waiting for the bus! 

Flowers at the Bus stop 

We were planning on going to the flea market but ended up at a wine and cheese tasting instead. I'll admit that I got distracted taking pictures at the park and wandered off instead of eating cheese. I think it was an excellent decision seeing as there were no crackers. The pictures turned out great. Due to requests I asked people to photograph me in the pictures as well as scenery. YOUR welcome. :]


This is Chip. 

Precious children that wanted me to take their picture. 

Love these. 

Chip- "Model Krystle!" Me- "ummm..."

Second attempt. 

Third attempt- Embodying Kayla. Mika said we could try some more and that I needed to work on my modeling. I couldn't agree more haha. 

I made a wish. We will see if it comes true. 


We are twins. 

After the picture taking we were off to the Albertine Museum to see the Andy Worhal exhibit which was stunning. I have seen prints of his work but never the real thing. It was the Cars exhibit that he started in 1986 but never finished due to his death in 1987. Here is one of the pieces.  I was also able to see pieces by tons of famous artists. Love Europe. I feel cultured.

I stole this pic from Jess. She was taking illegal pictures inside the museum. Love it. 

After the museum Jess and I were starving so we set of to find food. We found a subway sandwich shop. It tasted like home. Delicious. Carbonated water is disgusting in case you were wondering. What is with these people?

We then proceeded to people watch. It was hilarious and awesome and I can't wait to do it again. After my second gelato in two days we ended up on the U-Bahn to meet up with friends who didn't end up being there so we just decided to ride around and explore. It was fun. We are adventurous. I made it home safe. The end.

This will be the color of my front door. No negotiations. 
Another end to another day in Vienna. Love it.

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