Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 84.

Today we started off at Schonbrunn. I have been there lots before, but today was the decided day that we would tour in the inside of the palace. I wish that I could say that I enjoyed it but as a matter of fact I HATED IT. Why you may ask. Well I will tell you... TOO MANY PEOPLE. I am using the CAPS for emphasis because it really was terrible. I hate feeling like a tourist. I live here for goodness sake and the palace was packed like sardines. William, Chip, and Kayla all had to listen to my rantings after we exited.

Yes yours truely was involved in an act of defacing public property. Cross that one off of my bucket list. There are tons of pictures on Facebook if you feel like stalking me.

I think I missed my calling in life. 

School was intense. German will be over in a mere 2 days. How stoked am I? For dinner we headed over to the Rathhaus. It has turned into a routine of sorts. There are so many places to choose from that everyone gets to eat exactly what they want and we can all still sit together.

Have I mentioned that I love Vienna? I love it here. I am excited to return to the U.S.A. but I am mighty sad that I have to leave.

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